Blackpool Airport, is located close to the town at the end of the M55 and has easy links to the M6. For those travelling by car and using a sat nav, the postcode is FY4 2QY. There are buses and coaches to the airport from the town and taxis are available. The journey time is ten minutes.
If you are looking for a cheap holiday from Blackpool Airport you will need to look at a nearby airport such as Liverpool or Manchester as Blackpool airport no longer services holiday destinations. To avoid the task of searching the internet looking for the best deal, we can help you. As a price comparison site, we have access to bargain holidays from over three dozen travel companies, all competing for your custom. It is simple to use and remember, competition brings out the best bargains. Our search facility enables you to see, at a glance, the holiday that is the cheapest and the one that offers the best value for money from your chosen point of departure, Liverpool or Manchester airports. All you have to do to secure the holiday is make a phone call. To book the best deal, and to avoid disappointment, ring today.
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